NASW Staff

Ethical Challenges Amid Changing Political Landscape

Ethical Challenges Amid Changing Political Landscape

The February/March 2023 issue of Social Work Advocates Top stories include: Ethical Challenges: Profession Prepares to Protect Social Workers Amid Changing Political Landscape Social workers across the nation are facing ethical dilemmas as state legislatures enact...

Civil rights and social justice: A social work imperative

NASW Press has published a special issue of the journal Social Work titled “Civil Rights and Social Justice: A Social Work Imperative”. The contents of the journal reflect the theme of the necessity of a social justice emphasis in the practice of social work. In their...

Let’s Improve Child Welfare Outcomes: The Workforce Matters Briefing

On June 28, 2016, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) co-sponsored a briefing on the child welfare workforce. This briefing entitled, Let’s Improve Child Welfare Outcomes: The Workforce Matters is part of...