World AIDS Day 2016

On December 1, 2016,  President Barack Obama issued a proclamation recognizing World AIDS Day.  He stated that “by shining a light on this issue and educating more communities about the importance of testing and treatment, we have saved and improved lives. Although we...

World AIDS Day 2016

On December 1, 2016,  President Barack Obama issued a proclamation recognizing World AIDS Day.  He stated that “by shining a light on this issue and educating more communities about the importance of testing and treatment, we have saved and improved lives. Although we...

World AIDS Day, December 1

World AIDS Day is a global health day that is observed on December 1st, calling on social workers globally to unite in support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.  HIV/AIDS is a public health pandemic that must be addressed by social...

National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and Women and Girls

The Gender Forum recommendations were released in November 2011, and provide recommendations that are in alignment with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) goals of reducing new HIV infections, increasing access to care and improving health outcomes for people...

Congressional HIV/AIDS Caucus Launched

The first ever bipartisan congressional HIV/AIDS caucus officially launched on September 15, 30 years after the human immunodeficiency virus was first identified. The caucus is led by House members Jim McDermott (D-WA), Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Trent Franks (R-AZ).

June 27, 2011, is National HIV Testing Day

Monday, June 27th is National HIV Testing Day. Early HIV diagnosis is critical, so people who are infected can fully benefit from available life-saving treatments. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 40 percent of people with HIV are... Webinar: State and Future of HIV/AIDS

June 5, 2011 was the 30th anniversary of the first reported case of HIV. On June 15 at 3pm ET, key government leaders will host a webinar/conference call on where the U.S. is with the HIV epidemic and where it is going. To register and learn more information, go to:...

Spectrum Project ‘Training the Trainers’

In April 2011, the NASW HIV/AIDS Spectrum Project held a Training of Trainers (TOT) for fifteen social workers from around the United States.   TOT graduates are ready to present workshops in their own communities addressing two areas: 1)      medication adherence,...