NASW Foundation

Five Facts Social Workers Need to Know About Women and Drinking

Five Facts Social Workers Need to Know About Women and Drinking

It’s National Women’s Health Week (May 14-20), an opportunity for social workers to encourage women to make their health a priority, including avoiding drinking too much alcohol. With their distinctive skillset and as key providers of mental and behavioral health...

Helen Rehr (1919 – 2013)

Helen Rehr's work touched the lives of many thousands of the sick and frail. The programs she developed and administered provided superb services for a large number of clients. Her research demonstrated the effectiveness of her programs and thus enabled readers of...

Global Violence Prevention: Contagion of Violence Workshop

The Forum on Global Violence Prevention of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies convened a two-day public workshop that looked at the contagious nature of violence, the relationship between the contagion of violence and epidemics of violence, and how...

Remembering Jane Bierdeman-Fike

Jane Bierdeman-Fike, NASW Social Work Pioneer®, passed away March 13, 2012. Jane Bierdeman-Fike served on the NASW National Board of Directors. She also served on the NASW Missouri Chapter Executive Committee as Vice-President, elect in 1975, and as President, elected...

Remembering Golda Edinburg (1924 – 2012)

Golda Edinburg, NASW Social Work Pioneer®, passed away February 9, 2012. Former President, Department of Mental Health and Retardation Area Board of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Director, Social Work Department, McLean Hospital. Golda Edinburg will be missed...

HIPAA Alert!

NASW's Social Work Ethics and Law Institute (SWELI) publishes twice-weekly legal and ethics updates for social workers on, such as:  Did you know?  The U.S. Dept. of Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is piloting a...

2011 SWAN-SWPI Delegations to Cuba

In early 2011 NASW sponsored two professional research trips to Cuba to learn about social services in health care, child welfare, and aging. This report describes the activities of both social work delegations and information learned from the experience. NASW Leads...