
Social Work and Eugenics

It seems that every few months another painful chapter in our nation’s history is unearthed by the national media. A recent MSNBC report on involuntary sterilization in North Carolina by medical correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman was a sobering reminder for American...

National HIV/AIDS Strategy, and Women and Girls

The Gender Forum recommendations were released in November 2011, and provide recommendations that are in alignment with the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) goals of reducing new HIV infections, increasing access to care and improving health outcomes for people...

Forum on Global Violence Prevention Workshop

The Institute of Medicine (IOM), Forum on Global Violence Prevention,  will convene a 2-day workshop to explore gaps in the four areas of knowledge management (knowledge generation, integration, dissemination, and application) and how closing these gaps might...

Women and the Arab Spring: Spotlight on Egypt, Tunisia and Libya

Today, NASW staff will join a number of women’s rights organizations, Senator Boxer (D-CA), Senator Casey (D-PA) and other women's right's experts at a hearing on November 2nd at 2:30pm.  The hearing, "Women and the Arab Spring:  Spotlight on Egypt, Tunisia and Libya"...

Social Work Visit to Tanzania

– submitted by Luisa Lopez, MSW NASW Foundation Consultant It was a little over a year ago, January 2010, when NASW first worked with American International Health Alliance...