health care

14 Years of Obamacare

14 Years of Obamacare

The ACA’s Impact on Social Determinants of Health and Social Workers’ Role

CMS Seeks Feedback on Good Faith Estimates

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)  is seeking feedback from clinical social workers and other providers about how they should provide estimates for costs of services for patients who use their insurance to pay for health and mental health services.

The Power of Primary Prevention

The Power of Primary Prevention

Alcohol-exposed pregnancies (AEPs) are more common than you might think: according to a new study, an estimated 54 percent of children in the United States are exposed to alcohol before they’re born. The high prevalence of AEPs surprised even the study’s authors, who...

NASW Endorses Complex Care Core Competencies

NASW Endorses Complex Care Core Competencies

By Carrie Dorn, MPA, LMSWand Rebecca Koppel, MSW, MPHNASW is proud to endorse the Core Competencies for Frontline Complex Care Providers created by the National Center for Complex Health & Social Needs. The Competencies were developed by a working group of diverse...

Parkinson’s Social Workers are Essential

Parkinson’s Social Workers are Essential

By Anne Wallis, MSW and Courtney Malburg Social workers make life better for people with Parkinson’s, their care partners and their loved ones! Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. It manifests...