In an effort to keep you informed of the work NASW is doing on health care reform, we will periodically send out a roundup of activities. NASW offices are closed December 24 - January 1. While we will be monitoring the developments of health care reform, the next...
NASW Health Care Reform Roundup – December 23, 2009
In an effort to keep you informed of the work NASW is doing on health care reform, we will periodically send out a roundup of activities. NASW offices are closed December 24 - January 1. While we will be monitoring the developments of health care reform, the next...
NASW Advocacy: News from the Hill – December 2009
Employment Non-Discrimination Act NASW continues to work diligently on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (H.R.3017/S.1584). With 194 sponsors in the House of Representatives and 44 in the Senate, E.N.D.A. has begun to attract enormous attention. The Employment...
How does NASW decide policy and legislative positions?
NASW has an exhaustive process to determine our public policy statements. The policy statements are compiled in Social Work Speaks, a comprehensive collection of policies adopted and revised by NASW’s key policy-making body, the Delegate Assembly. The Delegate...
Urge Senate "Aye" Vote on Health Care Reform
Take Action Today - Click here! Action Requested Please contact your Senator today and urge them to support passage of health care reform legislation. Tell them passage of this legislation (H.R. 3590) is vital to rebuilding the nation's health and economic security...
Support The Child Welfare Workforce Improvement Act (S. 2837)
Take Action! S. 2837, The Child Welfare Workforce Improvement Act, was recently introduced by Senator Lincoln and aims to improve the child welfare workforce for the thousands of children and families who depend on this system every day. NASW lobbyists worked for many...
NASW Health Care Reform Roundup – December 9, 2009
Several Amendments Dominate Debate in Senate on Health Care Reform There are 91 amendments to the Senate Health Care Reform bill. A list of all the Senate amendments to the Health Care Reform bill can be found here. The list is compiled by, a news,...
Rep. Lee, Social Worker and Chair of the CBC Leading the Special Order on Job Creation Tonight
Wednesday, December 09, 2009 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: J. Jioni Palmer WASHINGTON, D.C. – Members of the Congressional Black Caucus will be on the House Floor TONIGHT to discuss job creation in the African American community. The Special Order Hour will be...