Kim Simpson

NASW Press Reads for Hope, Affirmation, and Pride

NASW Press Reads for Hope, Affirmation, and Pride

Prejudice to Pride: Moving from Homophobia to Acceptance describes a journey, moving from ignorance and falsehoods about gay men and lesbians toward understanding and acceptance of the gay community.

COVID-19 Three Years Later: A Changing Landscape

COVID-19 Three Years Later: A Changing Landscape

It is easy to forget how terrified we were in the early days and months of the pandemic—and the relief we felt when mRNA vaccines were developed, approved, and rolled out across the country in seemingly record time.

Celebrate Your Graduate: Save 20% on Select NASW Press Books

The NASW Code of Ethics is a set of standards that guide the professional conduct of social workers. The 2021 update includes language that addresses the importance of professional self-care. Moreover, revisions to the Cultural Competence standard provide more...

Celebrate Social Work Month with NASW Press: 20% Off Books and eBooks

The 12th edition of Social Work Speaks is a comprehensive and unabridged collection of policies adopted and revised by the NASW Delegate Assembly in 2020. The Delegate Assembly, NASW’s key policymaking body, meets every three years. The policy statements set the...