Social Workers at the Democratic National Convention

Aug 27, 2008

Social Workers are in Colorado this week for the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Here are some photos (Click on the photo for a larger image).

dnc kennedy
Pepsi Center, Monday, August 25, opening night of the convention.

John Kerry and Wife at DNC 2008
Senator John Kerry and Theresa Heinz Kerry arrive at the Pepsi Center on Monday night.

Betsy Clark, NASW Executive Director in the Democratic National Committee Women’s Caucus meeting.

NASW at the DNC 2008
Terry Wenner, NASW- Nebraska Chapter Executive Director and Delegate; Becky Fast, NASW Board member and staff member for Rep. Dennis Moore (KS) and Christi Granstaff, NASW PACE Trustee at get together for social workers who are delegates to the convention.

NASW staff Emily\'s List event
Asua Ofosu, NASW lobbyist; Betsy Clark, NASW Executive Director ; and Brian Dautch waiting to enter the Emily’s List Gala.

Rebecca Myers, Rep. Edolphus Towns (NY) and Christi Granstaff
Rebecca Myers, Rep. Edolphus Towns (NY) and Christi Granstaff after the Emily’s list event. All 3 are proud to be social workers and to wear the “Social Workers for Obama” buttons.

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