Dr. Donald Berwick, Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services along with Joseph McCannon, Senior Advisor to the Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and other senior HHS officials will lead a conference call on Thursday, April 21st at 4:30PM EST to discuss how physicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers can become involved in Partnership for Patients, a new public-private partnership that brings together major hospitals, employers, health plans, physicians, nurses, and patient advocates along with State and Federal governments in a shared effort to make hospital care safer, more reliable, and less costly.
WHO: Dr. Donald Berwick, Administrator, CMS
Joseph McCannon, Senior Advisor to the Administrator, CMS
WHEN: Thursday, April 21st, 2011 4:30p.m. EDT / 1:30 p.m. PDT
Please dial in 5 minutes before the call begins.
CALL-IN: 888-957-9843
Please note that this call is off the record and not intended for press purposes.
The two goals of the new Partnership for Patients are to:
- Keep hospital patients from getting injured or sicker. By the end of 2013, to decrease instances of patients acquiring preventable conditions while in hospitals by 40 percent compared to 2010.
- Help patients heal without complication. By the end of 2013, to decrease preventable complications during a transition from one care setting to another, so that the number of patients who must be re-admitted to the hospital would be reduced by 20 percent compared to 2010.
Achieving these goals holds potential to save both lives and money. The combined efforts of this partnership could save 60,000 American lives and reduce millions of preventable injuries and complications in patient care over the next three years. It also could save as much as $35 billion to the healthcare system, including up to $10 billion in Medicare savings.
More than 800 hospitals, as well as physicians and nurses groups, consumer groups, and employers have pledged their commitment to the Partnership. See our partners and join the Partnership today!
For additional information about the Partnership for Patients, visit: http://www.healthcare.gov/center/programs/partnership/
For a fact sheet on the announcement, visit www.HealthCare.gov/news/factsheets/partnership04122011a.html.
For the press release on the announcement, visit http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2011pres/04/20110412a.html
If you have any questions please feel free to email partnershipforpatients@hhs.gov.