Last week, enrollment for Arizona’s Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP) opened after being frozen for years. Now every state has a CHIP plan to cover low-income children and provide them with access to health services:
In 2009, Arizona halted enrollment for CHIP, known as KidsCare, to save money at the state level. Health care advocates, community organizations and provider groups created coalitions and worked for years to restore the program. By 2016, bipartisan support for re-opening the program was gained, as the Affordable Care Act provided a means for KidsCare to be funded by federal dollars.
It is estimated that at least 30,000 children, in families where income falls between 133% and 200% of the federal poverty level, will now be eligible to enroll. Applications are now being accepted for coverage beginning September 1st.
For more information, please contact NASW Senior Practice Associate Carrie Dorn at