On these days, millions of people all around the world will take part in a united action of standing up in support of the end of poverty and the fulfillment of the Millennium Development Goals. Social workers can play a key role on this day, as they do every day fighting against poverty in the U.S. and around the globe. The primary mission of the social work profession is to enhance human well-being and to help meet the basic human needs of all people, with particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed and living in poverty.
Thousands of events are being scheduled around the world as part of “Stand Up, Take Action, End Poverty Now.” Citizens across the globe are demanding that world leaders keep the promises they made in the year 2000 to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The Goals are a set of 8 benchmarks to eradicate extreme poverty, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality & empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat major diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development by the year 2015.
Last year, more than 116 million people – nearly two percent of the people on earth – participated in “Stand Up, Take Action, End Poverty Now,” breaking the Guinness World Record for the largest mobilization of human beings in recorded history.
“Stand Up, Take Action, End Poverty Now” is coordinated globally by the United Nations Millennium Campaign and Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) in collaboration with a wide range of partners.
On Oct. 16, 17th or 18th, please join Stand Up & Take Action wherever you are:
- STAND UP: Gather in a group or community and intentionally “stand up” to urge action against global poverty. Raise a banner, attend a rally, meet with friends. Then, upload a photo of your “Stand Up Moment” so we can post it online. (To find an event, click on the world map of Stand Up event locations at www.standagainstpoverty.org )
- TAKE ACTION: Read the Stand Up pledge, sign the Stand Up petition, hold food or blood drives, donate books, plant trees, meet with local or national leaders and much more. For more ideas, look at this list (link to chart here)of possible activities you can organize.
Watch the Stand Up video, which features inspiring footage from people from around the world participating in last year’s mobilization. (3 min. 35 sec.) http://www.youtube.com/mcampaign
For more information on the mobilization, visit www.standagainstpoverty.org.
For more information about the Millennium Development Goals,