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Nov 7, 2018

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 Your Search for All Things Social Work Starts with NASW Press

Our Latest Book and eBook Titles

5204_HumanServices_02In , Debbie Plath outlines five phases of an organizational approach to implementing Evidence-Informed Practice (EIP). She guides readers through the development of practice questions; the gathering, critical appraisal, and integration of evidence; and client outcome monitoring and evaluation. Plath emphasizes that implementing EIP is a nonlinear process that unfolds in complex organizational landscapes and cultures.

, edited by Mark A. Mattaini and Casey Holtschneider with Christine T. Lowery, Foundations5020outlines and integrates ecological and structural theories of social work practice to ground social work students in a more balanced and comprehensive understanding of how social work supports social justice.

Disability_5235_1In , Kristen Faye Linton, Heidi Adams Rueda, and Lela Rankin Williams, compile comprehensive research and candid interviews with social workers to explore the complicated intersection of disability and sexuality. The book begins by detailing historical violations of the sexual and reproductive rights of people with disabilities, including forced castration and sterilization.  It then explores current issues of sexuality and disability throughout the life course, starting with childhood and adolescence.

, edited by Carmen Morano, provides a comprehensive look at the history and5082_Morano implementation of interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional practice (IPP) in academic and occupational settings. The book examines the history of IPE, the rise of competency-based education, and the challenge of balancing multiple disciplinary competencies. It then explores the four core competencies for IPP developed by the Interprofessional Education Collaborative.

Learn more and read sample chapters by clicking the links above. For the latest information about all NASW Press titles, including books, eBooks, reference works, journals, brochures, and standards, visit the . If you have questions please send an email to  or call 1-800-227-3590.
