NASW Press Summer Reads for Social Workers!

Jul 24, 2019

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Early Childhood Education and Care: History, Policy, and Social Work Practice by Joy P. Greenberg and Jessica M. Kahn. Early childhood education and care is an emerging Early Childhood Education and Care: History, Policy, and Social Work Practiceand important domain for the social work profession. Social workers, with their commitment to social justice, are well positioned to address these issues and inequalities. Early Childhood Education and Care highlights the important roles that social workers can play in direct practice, public policy, research, advocacy, and social work education associated with early childhood education and care.

The book explores the evolution of day nurseries and nursery schools, detailing the origins of the current fragmented early childhood education and care system. Use patterns related to income, race and ethnicity, immigration status, and parental education are identified. The authors describe model programs and the effects of various care arrangements, demonstrating how different types of settings can influence outcomes and benefit certain groups of children.

Resilience in Action: An Information and Practice Guide by Roberta R. Greene and Nicole Dubus. Helping professionals are called to aid individuals and communities in times of tragedy or disaster. Effective intervention and treatment often hinge on augmenting the natural resilience of those affected by Resiliance In Action: An Information and Practice Guideadverse situations. But what is resilience? How can practitioners recognize, foster, and celebrate resilience in the people that they serve?

This book examines the methods, practices, and protocols of the resilience ecological stress model (RESM). A metatheory grounded in ecological systems, RESM can be used to help individuals, families, and communities regain the ability to function after calamitous events. The authors demonstrate how to apply RESM’s framework with a variety of different service users, including those battling a chronic disease, navigating workplace violence, or coping with the aftereffects of an earthquake. It also discusses how to take a resilient approach to work with refugees, adolescent students, military families, individuals belonging to minority groups, people with disabilities, and the elderly.

Social Work Practice with Veterans edited by Gary L. Dick. In times of crisis, service members answer the call of duty, making the ultimate sacrifice for their Social Work Practice With Veteranscountry. When our military service members are called to defend our nation, the entire family system is affected. The families of deployed service members are also called on to serve and sacrifice for their country as they continually accept, adapt, and adjust to the changes that accompany the various stages of the deployment cycle. Social Work Practice with Veterans is a comprehensive, evidence-based social work book that addresses the multiple issues related to working with service members, veterans, and their families.

Human–Animal Interactions: A Social Work Guide by Janet Hoy-Gerlach and Scott Wehman. Animals—whether as household companions, therapyHuman-Animal Interactions: A Social Work Guide animals comforting those in need, or highly trained service dogs supporting people with disabilities—occupy important positions in the lives of many individuals and their larger communities. Despite increasing recognition of the relevance of human–animal interaction (HAI) to social work practice, the topic remains largely ignored by many educational and training programs. As a result, the significant roles that animals can play in human interventions are often overlooked.

For more information about all NASW Press titles, including books, eBooks, reference works, journals, brochures, and standards, visit the NASW Press website. If you have questions please send an email to or call 1-800-227-3590.

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