“A Liminal Moment in Social Work”: Access NASW’s Social Work Journal Online

Mar 31, 2023

social work journal cover

NASW members can access the Social Work journal, published by NASW Press, online as a member benefit. The contents for the April 2023 issue include:

Editorial: A Liminal Moment in Social Work

Liminal moments are times of transition, specifically the time when it is realized that the way things were are over, but the way things will be are not yet clear.

“Am I the Only One Who Feels Like This?”: Needs Expressed Online by Abortion Seekers

From this study, three interconnected needs emerged: (1) need for information, (2) need for emotional support, and (3) need for community around the abortion experience. This research suggests that social workers would be beneficial additions to the abortion care workforce.

From Colorblindness to Critical Investigations: Examining Structural Racism in Social Work Research

This study investigates the extent to which critical race frameworks are utilized in mainstream social work research. Findings demonstrate a dearth of critical investigation into issues of race and racism in mainstream social work research as well as the underutilization of critical race frameworks.

Counternarratives: An Antiracist Approach in Social Work Education, Practice, and Research

Given renewed attention to racial equity in the social work profession, the authors suggest the use of counternarratives, an established tool of critical race theory, as an accessible method to challenge racism and examine privilege in social work education, practice, and research.

Burned Out, Engaged, Both, or Neither? Exploring Engagement and Burnout Profiles among Social Workers in Spain

Few studies have analyzed the existence of homogeneous groups in burnout and engagement among professionals, and none in social workers. This study with 448 social workers from Spain mainly examined their profiles in burnout and engagement and the characteristics of each profile in relevant job-related variables.

Factors Associated with Chinese Migrant Children’s Social Engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Guangzhou City, China

This study aimed to examine whether social work services can improve migrant children’s social engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic in urban China. The research has implications for the practice of child social workers.

Ethical Practice in a Post-Roe World: A Guide for Social Workers

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the Dobbs decision; discuss compelling ethical issues facing social workers who work with people who seek reproductive health information and services; present guidelines to assist social workers who face ethical dilemmas related to reproductive health services; and highlight the critical importance of ethics-informed social work advocacy related to reproductive health.

What We Lose When We “Don’t Say Gay”: Generational Shifts in Sexual Identity and Gender

This commentary explores the expansion of identity labels through the lens of a study conducted across four leading LGBTQ+ agencies in New York and New Jersey with youth and staff. Authors review data that demonstrate the evolution of labels and argue that adopting these terms in practice and research will have fruitful and affirming effects on access to care, treatment attrition, and the design and quality of research in and for the LGBTQ+ community.

Reimagining Suicide Prevention as a Social Justice Issue: Getting Back to Social Work’s Roots

Suicide is a leading cause of death overall, and among people ages 10 to 34 it is the second leading cause of death. Furthermore, suicide disproportionately impacts such populations as American Indians/Alaska Natives, those who identify as LGBTQ+, military veterans, criminal justice system–involved people, and Black youth. These patterns underscore disturbing new trends that necessitate multifaceted and social justice–centered responses.

Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement: An Evidence-Based Social Work Intervention for Addiction, Stress, and Chronic Pain

The purpose of this commentary is to update social workers about the evolution of Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) since the publication of the book Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement for Addiction, Stress, and Pain, and to provide a succinct overview of MORE’s clinical outcomes and mechanisms.


This issue also contains practice updates, commentary, book reviews, and a letter to the editor. To sign in for the Journal on the web, please first go to the journal homepage. At the very top right, Click “Sign In.” At the top is “Oxford Academic account.” Instead, where it says NASW Press, click “Sign in via society site.” You will be taken to a sign-in page. Please enter your NASW username and password. Once signed in, click on the image of the journal Social Work, and then you can navigate to the issue and article of your choice.

The journal Social Work is a benefit of your membership. It is available online or, at your request, in print. Children & Schools, Health & Social Work and Social Work Research are available by subscription at a discounted rate for NASW members, either online or in print. You can find a link to the subscriptions on the NASW Press website.

We appreciate our NASW members! If you have any questions, please call NASW Member Services at 1-800-742-4089 Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET.

Veterans in Crisis: A Social Worker’s Guide to Suicide Prevention

Veterans in Crisis: A Social Worker’s Guide to Suicide Prevention

By Maren Dale Every day, 17 veterans die by suicide. The number is tragic. At the same time, it can get lost in the volume of data social workers interact with every day. It also can be hard to fully grasp the scope of what that figure means. So, consider this for a...
