NASW Foundation Announces Consuelo W. Gosnell Memorial Scholarship Recipients

Oct 23, 2007

Washington—The National Association of Social Workers Foundation (NASWF) announces the 2007-2008 Consuelo W. Gosnell Memorial Scholarship recipients.The scholarships are awarded for one academic year to students who have demonstrated a commitment to working with, or have a special affinity to American Indian, Alaskan native, or Hispanic and Latino populations. These candidates have also demonstrated a commitment to working with public or voluntary non-profit agencies or local grassroots organizations. They are all MSW candidates.

This year’s awardees include:

  • Olivia Abeyta-Gonzalez, Colorado State University

    As a bilingual and bicultural woman, Ms. Abeyta-Gonzalez observed disparities in health and mental health services provided to the Latino community. While pursuing her Master of Social Work, she has worked as the Coordinator of the Multicultural Services Program in Larimer County, building bridges for the Latino community. She also hosts and produces a local radio program designed to reach monolingual Spanish speakers in the Colorado Front Range.

  • Aldrin Ceballos, University of Maryland

    A Columbian immigrant, Mr. Ceballos knows first hand the struggles of immigrants to the United States. While in Columbia, he pursued a degree in communications and also worked in Human Resources. Upon immigrating to the United States, Ms. Ceballos knew that his calling was to work with children and families affected by contemporary problems such as immigration, drug abuse and domestic violence. He shares first hand experience with those who have immigrated and will be an asset to their transition to becoming citizens.

  • Lisa Humphrey, University of Minnesota – Duluth

    As a case worker and licensed foster parent for the Leech Lake Ojibwe Indian tribe, Ms. Humphrey has intimate knowledge of the challenges and strengths of Native American people. She has worked in child welfare and juvenile justice disciplines of social work and hopes to continue this work upon graduation from the University of Minnesota – Duluth. Additionally, she travels to Mexico as a member of Witness for Peace, a group that examines the effects of globalization on indigenous people in Mexico.

  • Juan Ortiz, North Carolina State University

    After immigrating to the United States from Venezuela, Mr. Ortiz found his work with HIV/AIDS in minority communities inspiring. Upon entering his Master of Social Work program at North Carolina State University, he knows his goal is to offer quality psychotherapeutic services to low-income communities. He would also like to work with mental health providers to deliver culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate services to Spanish-speaking clients.

  • Monica Paz, University of Southern California

    For the past four years, Ms. Paz has worked with children who have prenatal exposure to methamphetamines at the UCLA Medical Center. While her primary role is research and evaluation, she has seen the enormous impact her social work skills have provided to these children and families, particularly the low-income, Latino families. Upon completion of her degree, she would like to work in a mental health clinic that focuses on underprivileged Latino children.

  • Britt Urban, University of Texas at Austin

    Ms. Urban has dedicated herself to working with immigrant populations since she was an undergraduate. In her various jobs she has worked on behalf of farm workers, on education campaigns about the human rights abuses, and has advocated for those who have been victims of human trafficking. She hopes to continue working on the issue of human trafficking, particularly with the vulnerable Latino community, both in micro and macro social work practice.

The Gosnell Scholarship was established through a bequest of Consuelo Gosnell, a social work practitioner who was born in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and died in Texas in 1987. Gosnell was a champion of civil and human rights and worked diligently to ameliorate conditions for critically under served American Indians and Latinos in the Southwest. Gosnell practiced for many years in federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

For more information about the NASW Foundation or educational scholarships, please visit or e-mail at

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