HHS Announces Availability of $60 Million in Grants to Help People Navigate Health & Long-Term Care Options

Jun 7, 2010

HHS has announced the availability of $60 million in Affordable Care Act grants to states and communities to help individuals and their caregivers better understand and navigate their health and long-term care options.

These grants will fund approaches that take into account the unique needs of seniors, Americans with disabilities and their caregivers. Some specific areas of focus include assisting older adults and individuals with disabilities live at home or in settings of their choosing with the right supports and assisting people transition from hospitals or nursing homes back into the community. Application deadline is July 30, 2010.

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Understanding Today’s Housing Crisis

Understanding Today’s Housing Crisis

By Sue Coyle More than 650,000 people were experiencing homelessness in the United States on one night in 2023. Those were the results of the 2023 Point-in-Time Count, an annual count of individuals experiencing both sheltered and unsheltered homelessness required by...
