April’s Mom: Blogger Baby Hoax Writer Beccah Beushausen is NOT a professional social worker

Jun 12, 2009

Blogger Baby Hoax Writer Beccah Beushausen is NOT a professional social worker.  Social workers say she is a young woman in pain who needs professional help with her grief.

In response to a June 12 article in the Chicago Tribune and a related Associated Press story about “April’s Mom”,  http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-baby-hoax-12jun12,0,5601624.story, the National Association of Social Workers has confirmed that the troubled young woman who created a huge online following with a fictitious account of her pregnancy IS NOT A SOCIAL WORKER.   According to sources at the NASW Illinois Chapter, Beccah Beushausen is not licensed in the State of Illinois as a social worker and is not a member of the National Association of Social Workers.

The NASW Illinois Chapter has contacted the Chicago Tribune to ask that the paper run a correction.  If you would like to encourage the Tribune’s editors to publish a correction, please send an e-mail to kijanssen@tribune.com or submit comments to http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/chi-lettertotheeditor,0,3578487.customform.

You can also post comments to the Tribune Web site at http://www.topix.net/forum/source/chicago-tribune.

Veterans in Crisis: A Social Worker’s Guide to Suicide Prevention

Veterans in Crisis: A Social Worker’s Guide to Suicide Prevention

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