Social Worker Metari Garza has been serving veterans for seven years. She is also a writer of poetry and a spoken word artist.
During Social Work Month Garza, LCSW, CCM, shared her poem “Stand Up” with other staff at the VA North Texas Health Care System. The chief of Social Work Services then shared it with our national VA leadership. Garza said she has gotten much positive feedback on the poem and wanted to share it with other social workers.
Here it is:
Change Agent
Care Manager
These are just a few titles that depict our Professional roles
But the words that stir people the most lie in so Many stories untold
They are the words that don’t end in 4 Letters Preceded by degrees
Compassion – Empathy – Integrity – Ethical – Kindness – Unbiased Spirit
These things cannot be taught or bought
For those we serve these are the qualities most Often sought
Stand Up
Since the beginning we’ve had to Stand Up
The time may not be convenient but had come
No more twiddling and fumbling with your thumbs
Courage is what we need
As we face Valley Lows and Mountain Highs
Keep your heads lifted and your eyes to the sky
Stand Up
Stand Up Sisters….Stand Up Brothers
Stand Up as if it was your
Daddy or Mother
Stand Up not just a special month or time of the Year
PUSH forward daily and have no fear
Stand Up for Women…Stand Up for Men
Stand Up for the
Out casted
And so called has beens
Stand Up to the “Isms”
Whatever the “Ism” or Opposition
Stand Up
Regardless of your position
Stand Up
Even if you feel you don’t belong
Stand Up
Doing what’s right will always conquer what’s Wrong
Stand Up
Colleagues the time is now
Let your voices be heard loud and proud
Stand Up
Even when it’s unpopular and crowd goes left
Keep moving to the Light…Stay on the side of Right
We’re all Soldiers on the front lines
Advocating for Veterans with determination and a Made up mind
We cannot be Stopped, Blocked, or Compromised
Just like fresh bread baking….Still We Rise
Stand Up
Stand Up for every
Elder or
Help to make their journey easier turning heartache Into a smile
For just wait….in a little while
One day you may find yourself in need
For someone to Stand Up for you indeed
Stand Up