Social Work in the News – June 18, 2008

Jun 18, 2008

News Source: Google News

University trains social workers to meet challenges of elder care
Sarasota Herald-Tribune – Sarasota, FL
The University of South Florida at Sarasota-Manatee’s School of Social Work is actively involved in numerous efforts to better meet the comprehensive health

Seeking a few good men
Baltimore Sun
Boys are quite influenced by having a male figure around, said Richard Barth, a professor and dean at the University of Maryland School of Social Work.

PU Social Work students present anti-dowry skits
Daily Times – Lahore, Pakistan
LAHORE: Punjab University Social Work (PUSW) students presented different skits against dowry and illiteracy at the annual dinner of the department on

Stress remains long after disasters
Indianapolis Star
“It’s been eerie quiet,” said Roger Brinkman, a licensed clinical social worker in Columbus who has been visiting shelters there.

Ending cycle of crime: Ex-cons get helping hand
Arizona Republic – Phoenix, AZ
Parole officers team up with state social workers, working out of the same offices, to make it easier for former inmates and their families to get services

Summer Harassment
Bangor Daily News – Bangor, ME
Dr. Fineran, who teaches in USM’s School of Social Work, has researched peer-to-peer sexual harassment in schools and decided to extend her inquiries into

Coping with stress
Deseret News – Salt Lake City, UT
Leah Forster, a licensed clinical social worker at Primary Children’s Medical Center, said the best advice she can give to people experiencing stress is to

Parents, quit the hovering
USA Today
You’ve got to let them sink or swim,” says Britt Rathbone, a clinical social worker based in Bethesda, Md., who specializes in adolescence.

U. Mich. dean named new Ill.-Chicago chancellor
Chicago Tribune
AP CHICAGO – The dean of the University of Michigan’s school of social work will become the new chancellor of the University of Illinois’ Chicago campus

Understanding Today’s Housing Crisis

Understanding Today’s Housing Crisis

By Sue Coyle More than 650,000 people were experiencing homelessness in the United States on one night in 2023. Those were the results of the 2023 Point-in-Time Count, an annual count of individuals experiencing both sheltered and unsheltered homelessness required by...
