How Does Your Caseload Compare to Other Case Managers?

Oct 4, 2011

New Caseload Capacity Calculator Free to NASW Members

NASW is pleased to announce the launch of the Caseload Capacity Calculator (CLC). This software, developed by Consulting Management Innovators, Inc. (CMI), builds on the Caseload Concept Paper and Matrix published by NASW and the Case Management Society of America (CMSA) in 2008 and on a 2011 survey of NASW members. From that foundation, a team of clinicians and analysts developed software that provides comparison data with case managers in similar settings.

The Caseload Capacity Calculator is available, free of charge, to all case managers through December, 31, 2011. Thereafter, it will remain free to NASW and CMSA members, though nonmembers may continue to use the tool for a fee. This first version of the CLC is designed for health plan and inpatient acute settings. However, during the public access period, case managers of any setting may try the tool by selecting one of three test settings during setup. CMI hopes to develop calculator software for case managers in other settings in the future.

UPDATE, April 2018

It has come to NASW’s attention that neither the CLC nor the CMI Web site is operational. The Caseload Concept Paper and Matrix remains available to the public. For additional information regarding caseload ratios, please refer to the NASW Standards for Social Work Practice in Health Care Settings and the NASW Standards for Social Work Case Management, each of which includes a standard specific to workload sustainability. Recognizing that a multitude of factors influence workload and caseload within any given setting, NASW has not recommended staffing ratios within these publications. Instead, the association encourages social workers to use the previously referenced standards, other NASW standards and guidelines, and the Caseload Concept Paper and Matrix to inform their decision making regarding appropriate caseload sizes.


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