Supporting Families with LGBTQI2-S Youth

Aug 11, 2014

The National Association of Social Workers is a member of the SAMHSA LGBTQI2-S workgroup, ensuring that the voice of social workers are part of programming and policy discussions.

Join a nation-wide webinar sponsored by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration on August 11, at 2 p.m. ET.  The webinar will highlight culturally relevant research, explore ways that communities, social workers and allied providers, and individuals can support families with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) youth.

The webinar will provide social workers with resources for creating positive environments, as well as appropriate supports to address the challenges LGBTQI2-S youth often experience.

Caitlyn Ryan, PhD, ACSW a nationally recognized family acceptance expert, will present at the next Knowledge Network for Systems of Care TV (KSOC-TV) webisode on August 11, at 2 p.m. ET.   Dr. Ryan, director of the Family Acceptance Project, is a clinical social worker who has worked on LGBT health and mental health for nearly 40 years.

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