Ask Speaker Pelosi to Keep Medicaid Rule Moratorium in Spending Package

Jun 19, 2008

Call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi today and ask her to keep the regulatory moratorium on all seven harmful Medicaid regulations in the Supplemental Spending Bill now moving to the House floor.

The “Supplemental Spending Bill” refers to a short term funding bill paying for the Iraq war and a variety of urgent domestic spending needs. Whether you support the war or not, this is our best legislative opportunity to get the Medicaid moratoria passed and signed by the President. Advocates around the country are contacting the Speaker with this short message below.

Message: Please contact Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) by June 10, 2008, and urge her to “keep all seven Medicaid rule moratoria in the Supplemental Spending Bill.”

E-mail her at or call the Capitol switchboard toll free at 866-340-9281, and ask for the Speaker’s Office to leave her the voice message quoted above.


This week House leaders struck a tentative deal under which three of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Medicaid regulations – targeted case management (TCM), provider taxes, and outpatient clinics- would be stripped from the Medicaid moratorium package in the supplemental appropriations bill nearing the House floor. Four other Medicaid rule moratoria would remain in the supplemental bill, these include protections for administrative and transportation claiming and rehabilitation services, all are important to social workers in some states and settings. However, NASW and its coalition partners urgently seek inclusion of all seven Medicaid rules in the moratorium package. We are particularly concerned with restoring the moratorium on the targeted case management rule to the supplement spending package. If restored, this rule on case management services would protect professional social worker services now offered in many states.

Thank you for your support of social worker services.

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