The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) that has extended health insurance coverage and health services to millions of Americans is at risk. In the second week of January, Congress passed a budget resolution and began the process to repeal the ACA without any replacement plan. President Trump then signed an executive order on his first day in office to encourage federal agencies to minimize the impact of the ACA.
Repeal of the ACA, including Medicaid expansion, puts 30 million Americans at risk of losing health insurance coverage in the next two years and jeopardizes access to preventive services and access to mental health and substance use disorder services for all. Protections, including coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, cannot be preserved if the ACA is repealed. ACA repeal will have devastating consequences for the health of individuals and communities, and providers and organizations that provide health care and wellness services.
NASW is working in collaboration with organizations, advocates and members to preserve the ACA and the health gains that the United States has seen since its implementation.
NASW Practice Alert on Health Care Changes in 2017
NASW Statement on Rep Tom Price Nomination
NASW signs on to letter opposing blocking individuals from accessing services at Planned Parenthood
Congressional Budget Office, How Repealing Portions of the Affordable Care Act Would Affect Health Insurance Coverage and Premiums
Urban Institute, Impacts of the ACA and Implications for its Repeal
Action Requested
E-mail your members of Congress today to ask them to save the ACA.
Letter to Senators or Representatives
As a constituent, social worker and member of the National Association of Social Workers I am writing to urge you to save the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from repeal. Millions of Americans have gained health coverage thanks to the ACA and Medicaid expansion. People who suffer with mental health and substance abuse issues are particularly impacted by the ACA and its potential repeal.
Please maintain the ACA and find ways to improve it.