By Hannah LiuImmigration and Immigrant Families team, Center for Law and Social PolicyFor more than two years, children and families fleeing danger have been turned away at the U.S.-Mexico border without a chance to seek asylum under a misguided policy called Title...
Biden Administration should eliminate, not expand, Title 42 to prevent further harm to migrant children
By Hannah LiuImmigration and Immigrant Families team, Center for Law and Social PolicyFor more than two years, children and families fleeing danger have been turned away at the U.S.-Mexico border without a chance to seek asylum under a misguided policy called Title...
Biden-Harris Administration has ambitious immigration plan but concerns remain
By Melvin H. Wilson, MBA, LCSWSenior Policy ConsultantSocial Justice and Human RightsThe incoming Biden-Harris Administration’s firm commitment to immigration reform and making it one of the first issues they addressed on their first day in office is a welcome turn of...
NASW Texas Chapter Continues Strong Opposition of ICE Separation of Immigrant Families
On May 21, 2020, the Human Rights Committee of the National Association of Social Workers -- Texas Chapter (NASW/TX) released the following statement: The National Association of Social Workers – Texas Chapter (NASW/TX) strongly opposes the recent attempts by...
“Me Perdía en la Escuela”: Latino Newcomer Youths in the U.S. School System
Unaccompanied minors, or “newcomer youths,” come to the United States from Mexico and Central America to escape violence and persecution, and to seek financial and academic opportunities. Many newcomer youths arrive with gaps in their formal education attributed to...
February-March 2020 Issue of Social Work Magazine Featured Immigration Issues
In case you missed it, here are some of the features in the February-March 2020 issue of Social Work Advocates. Top stories include: Immigration: Social Workers Focused on Trauma-Related Impact With so many immigrants and refugees experiencing trauma related to the...
NASW President visits U.S.-Mexico border to help detained migrant mothers and children
By Kathryn Conley Wehrmann, PhD, MSW, LCSWPresident, National Association of Social WorkersThe Dilley Pro Bono Project (DPBP) is a local partner in the Immigration Justice Campaign. Its mission is to serve the immigrant mothers and children detained at the South Texas...
NASW official: Japanese American World War II internment camp survivors show solidarity with today’s immigrant children
As the nation continues to witness the chaos resulting from the Trump Administration’s “zero tolerance” policy of separating children from their parents when they enter the United States, many organizations including the National Association of Social Workers (NASW)...